Filtering by: Conferences

to Oct 26

FREEDOM Conference

God is resetting, refashioning and reviving His Church. Now, more than ever we need to come together to experience God, find freedom and be immersed in love and reviving power. Join us for 2 days and 2 nights and one Super Sunday (10am & 5pm) as we worship, connect and sit under the powerful ministry and teaching of Mike Connell. Ps Mike is apostolic, prophetic and has a powerful ministry that brings Freedom, Healing and Breakthrough.
Jesus came to set us free and we know that there is so much more for us as we gather hungry for His presence.

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REDRESS - She Conference
7:30 PM19:30

REDRESS - She Conference

Redress is a day of immersion for women. 
It is an invitation to come and soak in the love, truth, and beauty of the gospel. 
A day for God to bring redress pain and brokenness, by redressing us with the wonder of His word, redemption, and promises.  
This year we are once again privileged to have Pastor Katherine Ruonala with us, ministering with love and power

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